- A mineral that increases total hardness in hot tub water
- Prevents surface and equipment corrosion
- If total hardness is too low you will discover heater problems
- Raises Calcium Hardness (CH)
- Use when CH is less than 100 ppm to return to effective range of 100 – 200 ppm
- Low CH causes;
- Etching of plaster, grout
- Increased overall corrosion of surfaces - staining
- Increased risk of problems and major repair costs
- Highest grade mineral available
- Clean, granular, ‘prill’ form
- Dissolves quickly and fully – even in hot water
- Lowest impurity level available
- Alkaline – pH 8 - 9 in solution
- Apply when needed to maintain CH between 100 – 200 ppm
- Always test with fresh fill and monthly thereafter
How Much
- To raise CH:
o 10 g per 1,000 L raises CH 10 ppm
- 1 capful = 10 grams (approx.)
- Always adjust CH after TA and pH
- Operate pump with air off
- Divide total amount of Balance TH+ into 3 equal applications
- Apply 1 application every 3 hours by sprinkling slowly over water surface – do not predissolve
- Circulate for 1 – 2 hours
What is Calcium Hardness'
What is CH
- The measure of dissolved calcium present in the water
- Total Hardness is the measure of calcium and magnesium
- Proper hot tub range: 100 – 200 ppm
- If low, raise with Balance TH+
- If high, control with Stain & Scale 1 and 2
- Balance initially at fresh fill
- Check monthly and adjust/treat as needed
Why Is It Important
- In hot tub water, a balanced calcium hardness does the following:
- Helps protect surfaces from corrosion, staining
- Helps protect surfaces from scale formation
- Helps provide clearer water
- Fewer problems / easier maintenance
Why Does CH Change
- Top up water can raise or lower CH
- Otherwise, it shouldn’t shift much once balanced
- Product additions don’t generally have an effect on CH
Problems Associated with CH
- When low – soft water
- Etched plaster, grout
- Increased corrosiveness
- Possible staining
- When high – scale forming
- Scale forms more readily
❧ Heater, therapy jets
❧ Remove with Stain & Scale 1
❧ Prevent with Stain & Scale 2
- Cloudy water
- Hard water stains
- A mineral that increases total hardness in hot tub water
- Prevents surface and equipment corrosion
- If total hardness is too low you will discover heater problems
- Raises Calcium Hardness (CH)
- Use when CH is less than 100 ppm to return to effective range of 100 – 200 ppm
- Low CH causes;
- Etching of plaster, grout
- Increased overall corrosion of surfaces - staining
- Increased risk of problems and major repair costs
- Highest grade mineral available
- Clean, granular, ‘prill’ form
- Dissolves quickly and fully – even in hot water
- Lowest impurity level available
- Alkaline – pH 8 - 9 in solution
- Apply when needed to maintain CH between 100 – 200 ppm
- Always test with fresh fill and monthly thereafter
How Much
- To raise CH:
o 10 g per 1,000 L raises CH 10 ppm
- 1 capful = 10 grams (approx.)
- Always adjust CH after TA and pH
- Operate pump with air off
- Divide total amount of Balance TH+ into 3 equal applications
- Apply 1 application every 3 hours by sprinkling slowly over water surface – do not predissolve
- Circulate for 1 – 2 hours
What is Calcium Hardness'
What is CH
- The measure of dissolved calcium present in the water
- Total Hardness is the measure of calcium and magnesium
- Proper hot tub range: 100 – 200 ppm
- If low, raise with Balance TH+
- If high, control with Stain & Scale 1 and 2
- Balance initially at fresh fill
- Check monthly and adjust/treat as needed
Why Is It Important
- In hot tub water, a balanced calcium hardness does the following:
- Helps protect surfaces from corrosion, staining
- Helps protect surfaces from scale formation
- Helps provide clearer water
- Fewer problems / easier maintenance
Why Does CH Change
- Top up water can raise or lower CH
- Otherwise, it shouldn’t shift much once balanced
- Product additions don’t generally have an effect on CH
Problems Associated with CH
- When low – soft water
- Etched plaster, grout
- Increased corrosiveness
- Possible staining
- When high – scale forming
- Scale forms more readily
❧ Heater, therapy jets
❧ Remove with Stain & Scale 1
❧ Prevent with Stain & Scale 2
- Cloudy water
- Hard water stains