PH decreaser
Comes in 950g bottle
- Safely lowers pH and Total Alkalinity
- Use when pH is more than 6 to return to effective range of 7.4 – 7.6
- Use when TA is greater than 150 ppm
- High pH causes;
- Discomfort to bathers
- Poor sanitizer efficiency
- Scale formation
- Cloudy water
- Increased risk of problems and major repair costs
- Highest grade mineral available
- Fine, granular form
- Acidic – pH 1 - 2 in solution
- Apply as needed to maintain pH between 7.4 – 6
- Apply when required to lower TA
How Much
- Dosage rate is based on how much the pH is to be lowered:
- If pH is 7 to 7.9 – use 8 g per 1,000 L
- If pH is 0 to 8.4 – use 12 g per 1,000 L
- > than 8.4 – use 15 g per 1,000 L
- To lower TA:
- 24 g per 1,000 L lowers TA 10 ppm
- 1 capful = 10 grams (approx.)
- Never add more than 25 per 1,000 L per application
- Operate pump with air off
- Apply product by sprinkling slowly over water surface
- Circulate for 1 – 2 hours
- For pH: Re-test to confirm or re-apply if pH is still above 6
- For TA: When lowering TA, never allow pH to drop below 2
o Lower TA slowly – AquaAce lowers TA 10 ppm per day